Monday, March 29, 2010

Transferring the Drawing

Availing myself of more modern technology, I blew up my scanned compositional drawing and had it printed out full size. I then transferred it to the panel using a technique that I think was very successful: I vigorously rubbed the back of the full-size print with sienna pigment, another inherently beautiful material: pure powdered Siennese dirt bought years ago in Italy (a honeymoon present from my wife). Then I taped the drawing to the gessoed panel and, with a 2H pencil, carefully traced over the drawing, pressing the pigment onto the panel. This proved to be wonderfully responsive, leaving light lines when I pressed lightly and solid lines when I pressed harder. And it was only slightly messy. The color of the pigment, being close to the background color, looked very nice on the panel. A few places required some firming up of the line with a brown colored pencil, but the transfer process for the most part left a very vibrant drawing behind - so often tracing and transferring leaves behind a dead, inert bunch of lines.

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